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Campo dei Fiori, Roma. I stood there by Via della Corda a few days to do this one. 32.5x40 inches, 80 x 100 centimeters. oil on canvas.

I don't remember for sure how long this one took. I say I painted about a hundred twenty out there, maybe more, maybe less, but I don't know. This was 1998. 1997 to 2000 were good years there for me. I sold some and I have some left. There times when I used acrylic and they sold and went as they dried.

I never kept good records, but I had fun and painted everyday, in the rain, in the cold and the sun. Always starting by six before the market got going and jammed. I knew the venders, the locals, and they knew me. On this one I remember that girl on the motorino that's in the lower center. She came by and I put her in to fill that spot. It worked for me. If you keep at it look enough it happens now and then. I like paintings because they're a record, like a photo, but the hand and mind of the artist is in there too.

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